Plainfield Fire Department Unveils Strategic Plan

During the board meeting this week, the Plainfield Fire Department (PFD) presented a strategic plan executive summary for 2024-2026. The plan prioritizes communication, leadership development, training, recruitment/retention, and resource optimization, aiming to enhance the management of staff, work with evolving technology and the community's dynamic needs. 

The strategic plan builds upon the existing Community Risk Reduction and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) visions, which outline goals to reduce risks and enhance lives within the township. These plans will merge with the new strategic plan  to create a comprehensive blueprint for the PFD. 

Superintendent Cameron Van Wyngarden voiced his support for the initiative saying, "I appreciate this effort of our fire department to determine where their strengths and opportunities exist and to create a realistic plan to move forward.” 

The strategic plan emphasizes the importance of proactive planning in the fire service to ensure efficient resource allocation, improved service delivery, and enhanced community safety. It was developed through internal and external stakeholder interviews, work groups, and assessments, identifying shared values and the top challenges the PFD anticipates facing in the coming years. 

Key Initiatives and Goals 
The plan outlines five core initiatives with specific goals and strategies: 

  • Communication: Aims to improve the flow of information, transparency, and unity within the department. 
  • Leadership: Focuses on developing leadership skills at all levels, addressing challenges and ensuring accountability. 
  • Training: Establishes a formal commitment to ensuring we maintain a a comprehensive and up-to-date training program for excellence in fire and rescue.  
  • Recruitment, Retention, and Succession Planning: Addresses strategies to attract and retain talent, build a resilient culture, and prepare for future leadership transitions, with a focus on the needs of newer generations and workplace environment improvements.  
  • Financial Resources (Capital Expense Allocation): Focuses on responsible planning for equipment costs, technology upgrades, and capital budget allocations.  

"This plan helps us forecast the future while protecting our most valuable assets; our members and our capital expenses," said District Chief Kyle Svoboda. "When we do this, we remain marketable and relevant in the emergency services area." 


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